Save on Personal Automobile Insurance
Save on Property Insurance
When Arbella insures both your home and auto, you could save 20 percent on your homeowners premium.
Ways to Save on Personal Automobile Insurance
Ways to Save on Property Insurance
Save on Property Insurance
When Arbella insures both your home and auto, you could save 20 percent on your homeowners premium.
Ways to Save on Personal Automobile Insurance
- New to Arbella? You may be able to save 7%. If you qualify, our Arbella Advantage discount will give you additional savings.
- Student away? That's 10 percent less you pay! You can cut costs on certain coverages when a household driver with less than 6 years driving experience resides at a college or another accredited educational institution more than 100 miles from where the car is garaged.
- Energy-saving hybrids or electrics save 10 percent. If you have a hybrid that runs on two or more power sources or an electric-only vehicle, you can drive down costs for certain coverages.
- Multiple vehicles save 5 percent. Lower your premium 5 percent on certain coverages when you insure more than one auto with Arbella. Insure more than one auto on the same policy and you may save an additional 2 percent on certain coverages - and get the ease of one invoice!
- Account Credit discount earns up to 10 percent off. Now you may be eligible for savings up to 10 percent off your total premium if you have other personal insurance with Arbella and 5 percent if your personal insurance is with another approved company.
- Renew and save with our auto loyalty discount. You may be eligible to earn an additional discount off your total auto insurance premium every year you renew with Arbella.
- Advanced Driver Training earns 5 percent off. New and inexperienced drivers successfully completing both the basic driver training course and the In Control Advanced Driver Training Program, the Driven School of Advanced Driver Training Program or the Stevens Advanced Driver Training Program gain life-saving skills on the road - and a 5 percent discount off certain coverages on their yearly auto insurance premium.
To find out more about In Control, visit their Web site at or call 1-888-301-Safe (7233).
To find out more about Stevens Advanced Driver Training, visit their Web site at or call 603-296-4094.
To find out more about Driven School of Advanced Driver Training, visit their Web site at or call 413-667-4365. - Anti-theft devices save up to 36 percent. Arbella will discount your auto comprehensive coverage insurance premium as much as 36 percent, depending on the anti-theft device in place.
- Passive restraints cut costs. If your car is equipped with an air bag or automatic seat belts, you can pay less on your Arbella auto insurance.
- If you drive less, pay less. We have expanded our low mileage discount by adding an additional category to allow more drivers to qualify for a discount. Now with Arbella's Annual Mileage Discount, you may be eligible to save on certain coverages if your annual mileage is less than 10,000 miles a year.
Ways to Save on Property Insurance
- Auto Rewards saves 20 percent. Insure your home and auto with Arbella and save 20 percent* off certain coverages of your total homeowners insurance and benefit from some additional coverages, too!
- Save 10 percent off certain coverages for your rental property. Our Account Credit is applied to your dwelling fire premium when you also carry Arbella auto insurance.
- Renew and save 3 percent. Our Loyalty Credit gives you a 3 percent discount off certain coverages on homeowners insurance every year you renew your Arbella policy. Insure your auto with Arbella and the discount goes up to 5 percent* off certain coverages.
- New home credit saves up to 20 percent. Our New Home Credit reduces your insurance cost for certain coverages up to 20 percent for a new home. Continue to earn discounts until your home is 10 years old.
- Protective devices earn savings. Arbella rewards your commitment to keeping your home safe with burglar alarms, smoke detectors, fire alarms and/or automatic sprinklers. Using any of these devices qualifies you for a reduced premium off certain coverages, based on the device. Homes with properly installed and maintained smoke detectors, deadbolt locks and fire extinguishers qualify for our Residence Safety Package discount.
- A MAHA Workshop generates 10 percent off. First-time homebuyers attending a Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance Workshop earn 10 percent off certain coverages on their Arbella homeowners insurance for two years. Seminars prepare buyers for the big step of purchasing a residence and cover everything from finding a good home inspector, to navigating the closing process.